How Bodyfat Influences Fat Burning
LookCut Method Basic Concept: Excess bodyfat makes you fatter.
A key concept of LookCut’s Healthy Fitness is to understand that being overweight makes it much easier to gain more weight.
When you are overweight, you have a metabolic disadvantage in terms of weight loss. The basic reason for this is… Your total body fat functions as an endocrine organ, much like your thyroid, and greatly influences your ability to metabolize fat.
A little known or understood weight loss problem is that fat cells are the primary storage tanks for key hormones involved in weight loss and fat and glucose metabolism such as cortisol, leptin and resistin. These hormones directly influence weight loss because they exert powerful effects on how your body metabolizes and uses energy.
In fact, the very latest weight loss research now indicates that fat cells in total act as far more than a simple holding cell for these hormones. The latest weight loss research indicates that fat cells don’t just store these hormones, they actively secrete them. In short… Your excess body fat secretes hormones that make you fatter.
From a weight loss and weight management perspective, the direct implication of our new understanding of body fat and endocrine signaling means this means….
Excess body fat makes you prone to even more excess body fat.
Here are some of the key hormones influenced by your body fat.
Cortisol: Cortisol is stored in an inactive form in your subcutaneous fat. As your body fat increases, the action of the enzyme 11beta HSD1 also increases. This enzyme converts cortisol to its active form, which is then released from fat tissue into the blood.
Contrary to the junk science that characterizes cortisol as ‘a nasty stress hormone’, cortisol is essential for energy metabolism.
The issue with cortisol is simply that excess body fat acts dumps excess active cortisol into your blood. Excess active cortisol impairs glucose metabolism. As a consequence you store more fat.
Leptin: Leptin is a key hormone secreted by fat cells that is involved in regulating feeding behavior. Leptin in the blood acts on the hypothalamus to tell you to stop eating.
Excessive body fat causes more circulating leptin. When leptin levels remain elevated over extended periods, key receptors in the hypothalamus become resistance to leptin signaling. This condition, known as Leptin Resistance, results in sustained overeating.
Adiponectin: Adiponectin is a hormone stored in body fat that is actively secreted into the bloodstream by your fat.