TRADE NAME: Citrus Aurantium
WHAT IT IS: Citrus Aurantium is a plant which produces an orange-like fruit called Zhi Zhi (also known as bitter orange or sweet orange). This fruit contains the active herbal ingredient Synephrine (a sympathomimetic alkaloid).
HOW IT WORKS: The chemical make up of Synephrine is extremely similar to the ephedrine that is found in most over the counter cold and allergy medications. Because Synephrine stimulates the adrenergic receptor beta-3, but does not stimulate beta-1, beta-2 or alpha-1, it is said to promote a faster rate of fat metabolism without the harmful side effect associated with other stimulants. Other active ingredients in Citrus Aurantium include Octopamine, which is related to appetite.
PRIMARY AFFECTS: Citrus Aurantium has been taken as a stimulant, appetite suppressor, increase metabolism, promote weight loss, and increase the burning of calories. It has also been used to improve gastrointestinal functioning and treat some forms of chest congestion.
EFFECTIVE DOSAGE LEVEL: About 200mg to 600mg of Citrus Aurantium (containing 3%-6% Synephrine) daily.
SUPPLEMENT CONFLICTS: Should not be taken by people with cardiovascular concerns, such as hypertension.
SIDE EFFECTS: Increase in body temperature has been noted along in correspondence with increase in dosage. May also increase blood pressure and is considered a stimulant.